Acelere a Jornada Data Driven da sua empresa

Criado em:
Jun 24, 2021
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Companies from all segments have launched on the Data-Driven Journey (DDJ) and are becoming more agile, improving sales results and reducing various costs .


Following the 5 steps of DDJ.

Get to know each of them now and see two Indicium cases of companies that are also on this path to success .

With this, you will be able to identify the challenges and skills that your company needs to master to take the next step and reach analytical maturity as well.

Let's go?

What is the Data-Driven Journey?

To start, you need to understand what the Data-Driven Journey is .

Implementing a data culture in an organization is not something that happens overnight, right?

There are structural, monetary and knowledge issues that must be transformed for a company to fully use data science and analytics throughout its business strategy .

With this in mind and with the aim of helping companies assess their position during their data driven transformation , we created the Data-Driven Journey . It's like a star map with 5 steps that your rocket (your company) needs to go through to reach the most advanced stages of analytical maturity.

This guide shows the challenges you will face and the skills you need to take the next step. With it, you identify the weaknesses and strengths of your strategy and can make much better decisions based on that.

What are the 5 stages of the Data-Driven Journey?

For your company to reach the end of the Data-Driven Journey and become a leader in its segment, it will go through 5 stages :

  1. pre launch
  2. launch
  3. zero gravity
  4. propulsion
  5. interstellar

And to advance from one stage to the next, the company needs to develop internally based on 4 main pillars :

  • data
  • technologies
  • people
  • Law Suit

So, let's get to the point: understanding each of the 5 steps.

Step 1 - Pre-launch

Many companies are at this stage of the Data-Driven Journey . These are the ones that have not even started to develop an analytics structure and, therefore, are not yet ready to advance in DDJ.

Reasons for this postponement vary and include:

  • support from top management.
  • resources to invest in the necessary technologies.
  • prepared professionals.

In other words, these could be your first challenges.

Step 2 - Launch

Most organizations are at this stage of the Data-Driven Journey . This is where the first symptoms of a lack of analytics in business begin and where management realizes how important and inevitable digital transformation is .

However, it is just the beginning and there is still a lot to learn. At the beginning, the challenges are usually:

  • management still does not see technologies as a competitive advantage.
  • data is not yet properly connected and shared .
  • departments still do not collaborate with each other.

Step 3 - Zero Gravity

Now, real changes are starting to happen. Companies, in this third stage, have already started to derive valuable insights from the data, and it is even possible to see a great improvement in performance and an increase in their market value .

There are still some problems, of course, such as people's cultural resistance, difficulties in data integration, etc. But in fact:

  • leaders are making more efforts to spread the data-driven culture.
  • investments in key resources increase .
  • Team development training is intensified .

Step 4 - Propulsion

The company that has reached this stage can now say that it is data driven . After all, it has already reached the three aspects of data , that is:

  • organizes the past by structuring and centralizing data.
  • understands the present through BI and data analysis tools .
  • prepares for the future using modeling and predictive analysis techniques.

Now, for the organization to reach the last stage of analytical maturity, it only needs to overcome some data infrastructure difficulties, certain cultural barriers and possible technological or process challenges.

Stage 5 – Interstellar

Interstellar companies are the ones that have truly become analytical competitors . They use data science and analytics fully throughout their business strategy.

Organizations that have already reached this stage are ahead of the competition and meet all the necessary terms to lead the market in today's world of data.

They are resilient , adaptable and innovative , and are always ready to renew themselves and respond to constant market changes.

So, let's take a closer look at your company, shall we?

If you want:

  • find out more details about the 5 stages of the Data Driven Journey
  • always have the star map at hand
  • understand what stage your company is at
  • learn how to take the next step

Why accelerate your company's Data-Driven Journey?

The answer is simple: to always stay ahead and reap the benefits of those who are at the forefront of analytical competition.

This is exactly what Essential Nutrition and Diálogo Logística have been doing , two companies that follow the steps of the Data Driven Journey and are on the path to success and analytical advantage .

Discover these two cases now and see how real companies are accelerating their journey using data.

How Essential is freeing up its cash flow by 80% using data science

Essential is a global reference in the supplements market and has been growing more and more. To be able to orchestrate this growth and not get lost in the midst of so much information, we contacted our team to “ better organize the house” in terms of data .

Firstly, we carried out an in-depth analysis of the company's processes and implemented a data warehouse to organize all its data.

And, to make it even easier to control and optimize the large inventory that teams need to manage on a daily basis, we developed a complete webapp accessible from any device by all necessary users.

The benefits of this optimization were countless. The planning process, for example, involved many people in a process lasting more than a week. Now, a single person can do the job in a few minutes and a few clicks.

Furthermore, your purchasing process is now scalable, and with this, it is estimated to free up cash flow by up to 80%!

Finally, with our solution, the company reached the third stage in its Data-Driven Journey , and continues to work on its culture, people and processes to advance even further.

How Diálogo increased its revenue by 20% in the first year it used BI and 100% in the second year

Diálogo is the largest logistics specialist in the southern region of Brazil and needed to visualize data from its entire operation in real time , to optimize its processes .

With this in mind, and after understanding your data and processes in depth:

And what were the results ?

In the first year using BI, the company's annual revenue increased by 20%, and 100% in the second year. Furthermore, it went from 50 units in 2018 to 80 in 2021, a growth of 60% in less than three years!

And this was only possible because the data started to be processed much faster, generating increasingly assertive performance reports. All of the company's decisions , in terms of revenue, costs, productivity and effectiveness, are now taken quickly and safely .

Do you know what that means?

With our partnership, Diálogo Logística has already reached the fourth stage of the Data-Driven Journey . And it didn't stop there, it has continued to develop continuously since it started and is about to become a true competitor in its segment.

Visit our YouTube channel to see more details about these cases

Watch leaders from Essential and Diálogo tell you all about their Data-Driven Journey in the webinar Accelerating your Data Driven Journey in practice .

Benefits of a data-driven culture

Follow the Data-Driven Journey and implement a data culture. Just like Essential and Diálogo, your company can also take advantage of data and have benefits such as:

  • assertiveness in decisions
  • cost reduction
  • increase in revenue
  • process optimization
  • time saving
  • employee autonomy
  • easy adaptation to changes
  • prediction ability
  • ease of calculating ROI
  • customer retention, among others

Do you want to improve your company's performance?

Follow these successful examples and accelerate your Data-Driven Journey .

Our team is ready to help you.

Contact us by clicking here .

Para empresas

Bianca Santos


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