Modern data platform for AI-ready data

Transform data into insights with generative AI and accelerate your journey to becoming a data-driven enterprise.

Imagem produtos de dados

Custom generative AI services

Discover how Indicium can transform your business with smart AI solutions.

Accelerate your entry into the world of generative AI with our specialized strategy consultancy service.

Development of Platforms and Products
We create customized solutions that integrate generative AI to revolutionize your data operations.

Training and Empowerment
Equip your staff with the knowledge to drive and sustain your AI initiatives.

Real use cases, impactful results

See how Indicium's generative AI solutions are transforming industries and revolutionizing business operations.

Analytics Helper

Significantly reduce the time needed to obtain business insights, enhancing decision-making and operational efficiency.

  1. Integration: we connect the Analytics Helper to your data platform and communication systems (such as Teams, Slack, and Zoom).
  2. Operation: users ask complex questions via chat and receive quick responses based on deep data analysis.
  3. Evolution: the system learns from interactions to improve the accuracy and relevance of responses over time.


reduction in time to insight.
increase in the number of active users in the data warehouse.
increase in the number of queries performed.


Enterprise Knowledge Navigator

Facilitate access to corporate information and reduce the time spent searching for procedures and policies.

  1. Configuration: we implement the navigator within your IT infrastructure, integrating it with existing documentation and databases.
  2. Utilization: employees access information through natural language questions, receiving instant responses.
  3. Feedback and Improvement: the system adapts and improves with user feedback, becoming more precise and comprehensive.


reduction in search time, with faster and easier access to information.
increase in the number of active users in the internal knowledge base.


Project Manager Assistant

Automate and optimize project management with up-to-date and accessible information.

  1. Implementation: integration of the assistant into the company's project management systems.
  2. Daily Operations: project managers interact with the assistant to obtain real-time updates and AI-based guidance.
  3. Analysis and Scaling: analysis of project performance, with AI suggestions for improvements and scaling.


Improvement in communication and project execution, with significant reduction in delays and increased efficiency.


Learning Assistant

Enhance access and interaction with corporate training materials, facilitating learning and practical application of knowledge.

  1. Integration: connection of the assistant to the corporate training platform.
  2. Utilization: employees use the assistant to intuitively find and interact with training content.
  3. Evaluation and Adaptation: monitoring of content use and adaptation to maximize retention and applicability.


increase in content consumption.
increase in the number of active users in the internal knowledge base.


Indicium’s exclusive methodology:
from conceptualization to execution

Understand how our systematic process ensures success at
every stage of generative AI implementation in your business.

At Indicium, we apply a holistic and integrated approach that covers four essential phases: Discovery, Design, Development, and Delivery.

Each phase is carefully planned to ensure that generative AI not only meets but exceeds business expectations.



Mapping opportunities and diagnosing readiness for the adoption of Generative AI technology.


We conduct a business diagnosis to identify critical areas and opportunities for optimization. We use the 'Business Context Canvas' for a clear understanding of the business context.

Expected Results

A clear plan of where and how Generative AI can be implemented to maximize ROI.



Design solutions that precisely meet business objectives.


Development of a 'Product Specification Canvas', where we detail processes, tasks, and functional requirements of the solutions.

Expected Results

A detailed specification that will guide the development of the AI solutions.



Agile development of AI solutions with customer-focused periodic deliveries.


Implementation following the 'Product Backlog', with prioritization of features and continuous testing to ensure functionality and effectiveness.

Expected Results

Functional features that add immediate value to the business.



Effective implementation and results monitoring.


Execution of the 'Implementation Plan', monitoring of adoption, and measurement of success through established metrics.

Expected Results

Fully operational AI solutions that are optimizing business processes and generating significant value.

We are a benchmark for the best and most innovative technologies in the market

Logo Google Cloud
Logo AWS
Logo Azure
Logo Snowflake
Logo Amazon Redshift
Logo Google Big Query
Logo Azure Synapse Analytics
Logo Databricks
Data modeling
Logo dbt
Logo Apache Spark
Logo Apache Spark
Logo Apache Spark
Logo Apache Spark
Logo Kubernetes
Logo Apache Airflow
Logo Kafka
Logo Terraform
BI tools
Logo Power BI
Logo ThoughtSpot
Logo Tableau
Logo Tableau
Logo Tableau
Logo Hevo
Logo Funnel
Logo Mparticle
Logo Mparticle
Logo Mparticle
Logo Mparticle
Data science
Logo Mlflow
Logo Snowpark
Logo Kedro
Logo Amazon SageMaker
Logo Open Metadata
Logo Alation
Generative AI
Logo OpenAI
Logo OpenAI
Logo OpenAI
Logo OpenAI

Why choose to implement generative AI with Indicium?

Ícone estrutura cloud

Proven leadership
and innovation

With over 7 years of experience in Modern Data Stack and more than 600 successful data projects, our expertise in AI is recognized for generating tangible results and significant ROI.

Ícone velocidade de implementação

Customized solutions

We understand that every business is unique. We develop personalized generative AI solutions that perfectly align with your specific needs and business objectives.

Ícone governança

Agility and flexibility

Our agile approach allows for rapid and efficient implementation, adapting to market changes and your dynamic needs throughout the project development.

Ícone sem lock-in

Empowerment through knowledge

We offer comprehensive training for your team, ensuring that they not only understand AI technology, but can also evolve with it.

Ícone ferramentas especializadas

Integration with existing systems

We ensure that our AI solutions integrate seamlessly with your existing technological infrastructure, maximizing efficiency without disrupting your current workflows.

Ícone flexibilidade técnica

Partnership for continuous growth

We provide ongoing support and opportunities for the evolution of your AI solutions, keeping them up-to-date and aligned with the best industry practices.

Discover more about generative AI with Indicium

Explore our insights and deepen your knowledge with our specialized content.

What customers say about Indicium

"We didn't yet have a structured BI team when I started working at Edenred. After we created the team, Indicium created a front-end working model, optimizing time in data engineering. The coolest thing was that Indicium fit in with our culture, bringing several results to Edenred."

Aguinaldo Rodrigues
Head of Data - Edenred

"Our Data-Driven Journey began in 2010, but in 2020 we saw the need to structure the data. Indicium followed a partnership model, understanding our needs and translating the entire technical data system into a more accessible language. We could then implement it and bring results to the Group Moura as a whole."

Augusto Monteiro
Systems Coordinator - Moura Group

"The only difference between data and oil is that oil may one day run out; but over time, the number and volume of data has only grown exponentially, which is why we turned to Indicium."

Wendel Bitencourt
Data Coordinator - Burger King

Indicium is driven by data and specializes in creating data science, analytics and AI solutions

We are an awarded global data services company worldwide for our advanced solutions.

Selo dbt platinum
Selo snowflake partner
Selo Negócios em Expansão Exame
Selo Great Place To Work
Selo Innoway Acate
Selo top big data analytics company
Selo Top B2B Services Clutch

Prepare your organization for decades of data-driven innovation.

Connect with us to learn how we can help.