People analytics: do you know how to apply business intelligence in HR?
People analytics is looking inside the company through analytics and business intelligence technologies and tools to use data in people management ( HR ).
Data driven companies , that is, companies that are already driven by data , use their information through business intelligence (BI) to generate insights, improve productivity and gain a competitive advantage in the market.
In this article, we will explain in more detail what it is , what its advantages are and how you can apply people analytics : data analysis for managing your company's people.
Good reading!
What is people analytics?
People analytics is looking inside the company through analytics and business intelligence technologies and tools to use data in people management ( HR ).
In other words, it is a people management method that uses data analysis to make decisions that increase scalability.
And what does this mean in practice?
That every step taken internally that involves company professionals is guided by the analysis of data generated by these people.
These analyses can reveal the company's future through predictive models , as well as assist in hiring new talent.
What is people analytics for?
Analyzing the data generated by the people who work in your company can directly influence its scalability.
And more! With people analytics, you can:
- increase talent retention.
- create recruitment processes that are more aligned with the company’s values.
- develop capabilities and specializations .
- gain insights into team culture.
- recognize the type of work and profile of employees.
- predict the time spent on company demands.
- improve work environments.
There are companies that work with Indicium , for example, that use data analysis in people management , including to identify which courses and training are ideal for them, thus developing better internal training.
It is also possible to develop predictive analysis models to find out how long a person tends to stay at the company , who is the best person to work on specific demands and much more!
People analytics x business intelligence: what are the advantages of this digital transformation?
Before reading the benefits of this method, if you still don't know very well what a BI is and how it works , we suggest you check out our text on the subject by clicking here.
Very well, when we apply people analytics to BI dashboards, we are able to visualize the company's data much better and, based on that, make assertive decisions.
One of the great advantages of people analytics combined with business intelligence is greater precision when hiring. This is because a BI dashboard allows:
- macro view of vacancy status.
- customizing the candidate funnel according to the position.
- analyzing the compatibility of a profile according to the vacancy.
This way, errors and extra expenses are avoided .
People analytics helps with the equation: hybrid work vs. in-person work?
The Slack platform used people analytics to carry out a survey involving more than 10 thousand people , revealing what they think about hybrid, in-person and remote modalities , which directly influenced the company's decision.
This is an explicit example of how people analytics can help improve the work environment based on data.
Even more insights into improving the environment that help with the return to in-person work or maintaining a hybrid model can be extracted from a people analytics BI .
At the end of 2021, Exame magazine 's virtual space also published an article about a people analytics survey carried out by MIT Technology Review — Work Anywhere. With the results of this study, it was possible to develop tips for readapting into the work environment, for example.
People analytics x business intelligence: how to implement data analysis in your company's people management
There are some steps you must follow to implement people analytics in your business and ensure better scalability. It is very important to follow the order so that the results are the best possible. Let's go?
1st Step: the objective
What you need? What do you want to analyze with your data:
- training results?
- performance measurement?
- people control and management?
- assertive hiring?
There are many possibilities , so you need to be clear about the objective of people analytics in your company to define the starting point.
2nd Step: technologies
Having technology that matches your company's needs is essential for good data analysis . So, how will the analysis be carried out?
Is your information stored in a centralized database , data lake , or data warehouse ?
3rd Step: data collection
Once you know where your company's data will come from, you decide how to collect it.
So, the data can come from management systems , CRMs , training systems ... There are other alternatives, but the choice of how to collect data will be made based on this.
4th Step: business rules
Define business rules in advance.
As these rules are applied, the entire people analytics process within the company is connected.
5th Step: the indicators
Having a defined objective, it is time to choose the right indicators for your analysis.
What will be observed to achieve the company's objective?
Management indicators ? Operational? Of projects?
6th Step: data-based decision
Data is the new oil , you may have already heard that. But they are of no use if they are not used correctly.
Absolutely every decision should be guided by data, not intuition . So, when your company is applying people analytics to HR management , decisions in this sector will be made based on data, generating a lot of value for your business.
Case Hint: people analytics in practice
Want to see how Indicium applies people analytics to optimize our own operations, predict people's performance and generate insights from these analyses?
Watch our case in the People Analytics Webinar: revolutionize people management with big data . You can jump straight to the point at time 47:10 by clicking on the video below:
Initial situation
Before the Covid-19 pandemic , our company was dealing with projects from several different companies, allocating different teams to each contracted project.
The allocation of hours was done by the people on the teams themselves (affectionately called Datanautas ), via a management system , in this case Bitrix24 .
Every week, one person was responsible for manually preparing a report of hours for internal control , but strategic and management indicators were still missing to take a further step.
Another point we missed was the intersection of Datanauts with the assigned demands. For example: if someone's performance was poor, or if too much time was being spent on some activity, how can you assess whether the person was responsible if adequate training was lacking?
The solution we found was the implementation of the Modern Data Stack (MDS) within our own Data-Driven Journey.
We have greatly improved all of our processes. Today, our analytics structure is very advanced to the point of meeting the demands of all departments of the company, from commercial to marketing.
We implemented new indicators for greater analysis precision, standardizing and improving our internal and external processes.
All this taking into account business intelligence reports , which help with the performance of people , projects, activities and training based on the indicators developed.
And looking at careers within our company, we are already following several growth cases made possible by this implemented people analytics methodology .
We can help your company
Do you want to implement people analytics to increase your company's scalability, improve the work environment and boost productivity?
Contact us and let's revolutionize your business.
Bianca Santos